MDM Status + Config ( instant )


MDM stands for Mobile Device Management. When a business or educational institution purchases a batch of devices from Apple, they will often enrol them in a program which allows the organization to add restrictions to all their devices and essentially have authority over them all. With MDM active on your device, you won't be able to activate it without permission from the supervising authority. Therefore, checking the MDM status has become just as essential as the Find My iPhone status.


Teslimat süresi: 1-5 Miniutes

Toplu siparişlere izin verilir: HAYIR

Sipariş türü: IMEI/Seri numarası

Servis tipi: Sunucu

İzin verildiğini doğrulamak için gönder: HAYIR

İptale izin verildi: HAYIR

Sipariş düzenleniyor: API'si