USA Blacklist/Barred Check 🇺🇸 [IMEI]

Checks US networks for any IMEI barring/unbarring (with the date and reason).

Case 1: Blocked by a carrier
Marketing Name: Apple iPhone 11 (A2111)
Manufacturer: Apple Inc
IMEI Number: ###############
US Block Status: Reported stolen by SPRINT
US Block Date: 19 Mar 2022
Blacklist Status: Reported Lost or Stolen

Case 2: Blocked by insurance provider
Marketing Name: Apple iPhone 13 (A2482)
Manufacturer: Apple Inc
IMEI Number: ###############
US Block Status: Reported unrecoverable by insurance
US Block Date: 1 Sep 2022
Blacklist Status: Clean

Délai de livraison: Instant

Commandes groupées autorisées: Non

Type de commande: IMEI

Type de service: Serveur

Soumettre pour vérifier autorisé: Non

Annulation autorisée: Non

Commande en cours de traitement: API