Important note:
- Once the order is placed, there is no cancellation until the provider terminates the order or refunds the amount even if the service is delayed.
- Do not send the request if you have access to the device's home screen.
- Do not send a lost, stolen or wiped device.
- Replaced devices are not supported.
-Your order cannot be processed without sold information.
- Up to 90% success rate (if not successful, we will refund your money, don't worry)
Delivery time 35 days - we cannot cancel before 60 days
*Bottom the Middle East/Gulf countries support list,
Supported in Middle East (Gulf Country) Sold entirely by carrier and distributor but not sold by Apple only.
Gulf - List of supported countries,
- the two seas
- Kuwait
- The State of Qatar
- Sultanate of Oman
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- The United Arab Emirates
- The United Arab Emirates
Délai de livraison: 7-30 days
Commandes groupées autorisées: Non
Type de commande: IMEI/numéro de série
Type de service: Serveur
Soumettre pour vérifier autorisé: Non
Annulation autorisée: Non
Commande en cours de traitement: Manuel